The subfield of endocrine ethics looks at the intersection between endocrinology-related issues and practices and bioethics. Whether you’re a diabetologist, thyroidologist, endocrine surgeon reproductive endocrinologist, run a transgender clinic, or a bioethicist with interest in reproductive ethics, the Endocrine Ethics Association examines multiple ethical issues in these highly subspecialized fields and offers guidance.
What are Endocrine Ethics Issues?
Examples of endocrine ethics issues include:
Access and cost of insulin and “insulin rationing” in the United States
Transgender patient discrimination and access issues
Fertility treatment and fertility preservation issues: where the science is ahead of the ethics [See also the ASRM Ethics Committee Statements in our Resource Section]
Pediatric ethics issues such as growth attenuation, chemical castration or sterilization in severely mentally disabled adolescents.
Observation of biopsy-confirmed thyroid cancer and the withholding of the standard of care
Surgical candidacy in morbidly obese patients
Innovative therapy in endocrinology
Research ethics issues in endocrinology
Health Disparities and economic justice in endocrinology
Conflicts of Interest in clinical practice guidelines